What am I talking about?
Uniform 000. Uniform *insert number here, is a post idea I came up with on a Saturday evening, when putting away some ironing. The base of it is simply outfit posts however, they are going to be revolving around clothes I already own and recycle again and again. There may be repetitions in pieces used or styled in new ways, but the idea is to re-use what I own instead of feeling the need to buy new things. I think too often people endorse new clothing lines (and thats great) but sometimes we as an audience impulsively buy things we simply do not need.
Another facet to this idea is my personal body image. I'm the first to admit that I am very self-conscious when it comes to my body and often I want to hide under a baggy jumper. Other times I trick myself into thinking I'll feel better about myself if I buy that one top or splurge on that one dress, and it never makes me feel better. By posting my uniforms, I'm hoping it will highlight what I like, feel comfortable in, and what looks good on my body type: as well as highlight the things in my wardrobe that I will never use (*gulp, that could be quite a sickening result if there is a large amount of clothes leftover).

Maybe posting photos of myself for all to see, when I'm not too fond of my body, may not be the best idea to concur this but it's what I'm choosing to do. I have reached a point where I just want to say screw it. I hate my muffin top, the way my thighs have peaks and valleys and I know the stretch marks (or lightening bolts, as my godson calls them) will plague me til my dying day -but in the grand scheme of things does that all matter? Will that matter when I'm looking back on photo albums in thirty years time? No, and quite frankly I feel its time to give up on worrying about it all.
I can't put my finger on what has sparked this change of perspective. Maybe its where my health has taken a switch and I want to start living instead of worrying and trying to make myself feel better with material things. Or maybe, on a bit more of a personal note, my perspective has changed because my body has changed -it manifested nothing short of a miracle last year and to be honest, I don't look after it as much as I probably should. This realisation has kind of been a knife to the back, making me stand to attention and really start loving it.

I also want to show these outfits in a very unpolished and more personal way. Don't get me wrong posed outfit posts are great but some of my favourite photos are the raw and natural ones, the ones that may be a little blurry or overexposed like the ones I have here. I also like the concept of outfits being highlighted in my everyday life and routines. For instance, the past few weekends James and I have taken the dogs out for walks each Sunday so it felt only natural to highlight my 'boyfriend-flannel-shirt-outfit' in this way. Personally, these ones of Alfie are my favourite and lets face it -he's stolen the spotlight for this post!

I have probably rambled on enough now and you no doubt get the general idea. **I must add a final note though, that some of the pieces I will be sharing have been in my wardrobe for years and are from shops & brands that I no longer give my money to. Some of these brands I no longer shop from because the ethics and morals they have do not fit my own. Having said this, I am also trying to reduce my waste and if an item is in the style or fit that I want, and it is already in my possession, than I will keep wearing it even if the brands morals do not fit my own. The reason for this is that, in my mind, the money I spent on that item (years ago) has already gone to that brand and pumping their practises: therefore the damage has already been done. This is especially hurtful for me when it comes to make up that I have which has been tested on animals (ie. MAC lipsticks), however again my money has already contributed so not using an item would be wasteful but also wouldn't truly make a stand because its already gone to the brand.

I hope this makes sense and I haven't just bamboozled you, but I wanted to state this important factor before posting uniforms and then trying to address these issues in the comment sections.
I hope you enjoy the upcoming Uniform posts
Cheerio for now!