Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Life Update: Health and Happiness

The past few weeks have set the scene for a few highs and lows that come with every chronic illness. Though I'd like to think the highs have made the lows worth their while. In the midst of these obstacles I've found myself in a little bit of a -I'm not entirely sure what exactly to call it, so lets go with- funk, but not in a bad way.

These past few months I've been making a few changes here and there, hoping to grow and expand in new and exciting ways. The biggest changes of all would be those I'm applying to my personal life i.e. my health. Ive been trying to detoxify my body and start afresh, getting myself into healthy habits which I'm already seeing the amazing changes before my very eyes. Changes like my dietary needs, as well as toiletries and health care.

I've also been questioning this little space i have here, wondering and thinking about whether its time to make a few changes here also. Though theres only a small band of you guys out there, I really want to kick it up a notch and customise this space a bit more to my liking; especially incorporating and reflecting my new personal changes to this space also. After all, it is my little corner of the internet. Ultimately my health comes first, and that's really the area I need to work on the most right now. Without your health your nothing, as my mother says -hi mom!

So, I guess that was all really. I just wanted to catch you up to speed, especially as I've pulled a bit of a halt on The Hut series. I do have a few more posts I was working on, based around our hut sessions though I'm not entirely satisfied with them just yet so you may see them, you may not. Who knows at this point. I'm a little all over the shop right now!

Cheerio for now! 

Monday, 20 July 2015

The Hut: Evenings

Sometimes it's just nice sitting by the sea. Breathing in the fresh breeze and evening air. Being cleansed by that salty, seaweed scent. The sun slowly setting across the horizon, shining those last few scorching rays before disappearing for another day. Those evenings are nice: simple, even. But ultimately blissful. 

Cheerio for now! 

Monday, 13 July 2015

The Hut: the First Dip of the Season

As many of our days are going now, our days usually start with a look at the weather forecast. It’s generally the first few days of the week we head for that sunny bay. Sometimes it’s glorious sunshine, other times the wind picks up quite fiercely and wind surfers swarm the beach in packs. Whatever the weather we always have a good time, and nothing puts us off a trip to the hut. 

This particular day was sunny and warm, with blue skies surrounding us. We sat in the sun, drunk in the salty air and generally watched the world go by. The tide slowly went out as folks bought their canoes and paddle boards down for an evening glide along the waters ever-changing shimmering surface. Before our time was up, at the bay, we headed down to the waterside to dip our toes in the warm water for the first time. The foamy waves greeted us, along with masses of seaweed and shells of all shapes and sizes. After drudging along the waters edge for a little longer than expected, we eventually managed to get back to the hut dry off and then head home; napping on the way home to a nice brew and some hearty grub'. 

Cheerio for now!

Friday, 10 July 2015

The Hut: An Extra Coat

The day finally came to finish the first coat of those strips. For so long the sides of the doors were done but not the top. None of us were able to get up on the step-ladder and get the job done -hence waiting for the granpops to get the job done; which led us to this day. As the evening set in we got it all done and dusted; and got take a step back to look at our final product. (still needs an extra coat; but its coming together quite nicely!

What do you think? 
Cheerio for now! 

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Book Review: Grace

Grace: A Memoir, by Grace Coddington 

I’m not entirely sure where to start with this book. I have been waiting so long to read this and now that I finally have I’m not sure what book to go onto next. For me, this book was an easy read full of both Grace’s wit and humour, as well as a full dose of truth and honesty about her life. She recites everything from her childhood to her modelling career, her transition to creative director as well as her transition through relationships giving us a look through not only her love life but also her family life. She also lets us in behind the scenes of her relationships with colleagues, and friendships with famous faces. The book is also full of Grace’s neat and quirky sketches, along with photographs from her modelling days, personal life and photo shoots from her creative direction. 

I have to admit, I’m not a hardcore fashion follower so I was a little nervous at how much I would relate to this memoir. As I made my way through, I was surprised at how many names I recognised. From models to designers, photographers to editors; I impressed myself with my knowledge of the fashion world. 

This book made for an easy-breezy read; wrote as though you were sitting with a cuppa listening to Grace, herself. I’d recommend to anyone, especially those who love memoirs or anything within the realm of the fashion or creative art world. 

Ever read Grace: a memoir? What did you think? 
Cheerio for now!

Monday, 6 July 2015

The Hut: DIY

Sun still blazing, clouds rolling in from the West; as we cruise into the esplanade. Unloaded the roadster, down the staircase, then hit by the sight of gentle waves and the smell of salty air. 
With neighbours just leaving and bystanders in awe, we flung open the hut and started our DIY session. Paint cans and timber out, with screws and drills at the ready we embarked on our session. Working away getting the hut more and more complete as a breezy spring evening set in; every now and then stopping to chat to neighbours, bystanders and a few four-legged friends. 

Chatting away to neighbours, who turned out to be from our hometown. 49 miles from home, and bumping into friendly chic’s n’ chaps from across our town. One thing leads to another and you realise you have mutual friends, as well as some other odd little coincidences. As the day draws to an end and with all the chores and tasks done for the day, along with being covered in dried paint, a unanimous vote told us to pack up and hit the road for home. But not before stopping at the harbour for some traditional fish and chips, drenched in salt and vinegar -it’s a British thing! 

Cheerio for now!


Friday, 3 July 2015

The Hut: A Sunny Evening By the Sea

A bad day with a blissful ending. 

 After a rough night and not exactly ‘good’ day, we decided to take a trip to the hut for the evening. It was too much for me to change so instead I just shrugged on a hoodie, some fuzzy socks and my big boots. I bundled into the car, where i snuggled down with my hot water bottle before our car journey commenced. Before joining the winding roads and highways which would lead us to, what was becoming, our second home -that faithful hut; we grabbed a cold coke from the drive-thru before weaving onto the highway. 

Our journey was relatively easy, barring the jolting pain from potholes every now and then; which was utterly agonising. We got to the beach, to find skies of blue and shining sun, the type that as it starts to lower into the horizon goes bright, and beams beautiful shades of orange & gold hues everywhere. We decided on getting a couple of chairs out and simply watching the world go by; a blissful pass-time in my family. The breeze built every-so-often carrying the scent of salty waters and seaweed entwined with one another. The movement of the waters edge, greeting us reluctantly as the tide slowly swept out of the bay. The combination of noises; seagulls overhead, water to our side and the whisper of the long layer of grass covering the hilltops merged into a quiet type of buzz. The silence and stillness of that moment surrounded us, as we were left to sit there and dilly-daydreaming of what was yet to come. 

Cheerio for now! 
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