For around a year now there seems to have been a serious trend going with colouring books. Suddenly they were everywhere. I've always seen mindfulness colouring books but instead of patterns, there's now all sorts going around. Vogue ones for fashionistas, Shakespeare and Alice in wonderland ones for the bookworms, even city and destination ones for those with the travel bug.
For Christmas, I received a couple of Alice ones and since then I've collected a few vintage ones too. I love the illustrations in the vintage ones, the old-school sweets, toys, teacups -urgh they make my heart burst a little.
These books are great for a lazy Sunday, to get carried away with after a stressful day or even for something to do on a flight or train journey! There's something so therapeutic and blissful about zoning out of reality and getting lost in an illustrated world of colouring for awhile.
Have you got any Colouring books? Which is your favourite?
Cheerio for now!
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